Sunday, September 21, 2014

"I believe in the YES, the YES can do anything.."

Yes I just quoted the yes dance youtube video that I watched in high school but it is so fitting. As most of you know I moved to DC about 7 weeks ago, wow that went by fast. And in order to meet people and expose myself to the city I began the YES iniative. 

Let me explain...

The YES iniative is so unlike me. Usually through out school if I was invited to go to something and I didn't know almost all the people going, I would be timid to go. Or I wouldn't go at all. The YES iniative means I have to say YES to anything I get invited to do or if an opportunity presents itself then I must say YES. 

Is this iniative stupid? YES it is. Has it allowed me to meet some awesome people and some great stories? YES indeed it has. 

Sometimes you have to push yourself past your comfort zone in order to excel. And let me tell you something there has been plenty of times when I felt uncomfortable but I worked through it and made firends. Perfect example is this past weekend I was invited to a dinner party where I knew the birthday girl and my roommate, all the other 15 people .. no clue. After the night it was like they were college friends it was a fun night full of laughs and jokes. 

As work goes I have tried to sink as many jokes as possible, stick out and I have learned a lot in the 6 weeks I have been there. It is amazing how fast the world of engineering goes, project after project, phone calls after phone calls. Everyday is a different experience and a new learning experience. 

I also have to make plenty of phone calls to subcontractors, and I hate calling people on the phone. So this has been quite the adjustment. I always refer to calling subs as me drowning because I get a bit of social anxiety on the phone. I am more of a person to person kinda gal. But I am working through my weeknesses to make them strengths .. even if it does sound like BLUB BLUB BLUB .. Hey this is Mary at Clark BLUB BLUB BLUB

Do me a favor friends, say YES to something you wouldn't usually do and see how it goes. Either way you have a story to tell and I love telling stories.

Let's say YES,
Anybody with me?