Sunday, December 25, 2011

When Christmas Comes to Town....

For a "green" Christmas, it was definitely a good one.  Playing games nonstop with the siblings and eating the best meals I have had in months.  I got a Beyonce CD, in hopes that this is bringing me one step closer to becoming her someday (hey a girl can dream can't she).  

Although this year is coming to an end, I couldn't be happier.  2011, was a rough year for me.  A lot of challenges and a roller coaster of emotions.  Not only am I happy that I overcame these challenges, but I'm happy I came out on top.  Even with an RA job, a work study job, establishing a new sorority at Clarkson and managing time for friends, My GPA went up.  But as always there are things to improve on and I'm hoping 2012 will bring me to that success.

In 2012, I will turn 20, I can't believe my teenage years are coming to an end.  But that makes me want to be in the best shape physically and mentally for my 20's.  And yes I know new year's resolutions are cliche, but a new year means a new improved me.

So 2011 its been great and its been fun, but 2012 has more in store for me I just know it.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is getting ready to bring in the new year.

Anybody with me?

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