Saturday, February 11, 2012

But I'm stuck in colder weather, Maybe tomorrow will be better

As the temperature varies so does the days of the week.  Someday's are great, while the other ones I could do without.  Everything lately is so inconsistent, and the only thing that's consistent is the work load I have on my plate.  The only thing I'm looking forward to is Spring Break, and that's because this upcoming winter break I will be spending at Clarkson.  But don't get me wrong, I plan to watch tons of movies and relax, with one of my great friends Karen Dawson.

Being an RA, your residents expose you to a lot of new different types of music, and through all the years of hating country I can't hate it anymore.  According to one of my residents (or I should say friends, they prefer it that way) you can relate life to every country song not every pop song on the radio.  And I hate to say it but he's right, can't see myself relating life to "Sexy and I Know It " or "A$$" lol.

After having a week of barely sleeping, and getting sick, a retreat with my sorority sisters did the trick.  I'm ready for the three days of school we have this week then winter break.  Winter break will consist of applying for more internships or research opportunities, as I am trying to put my summer life together.

I'm using this break to get back on track and prepared for the weeks that lie ahead.  Work hard and then spring break is about a month away, and initiation is before spring break which means Kappa Delta Chi will be official at Clarkson.  A year an a half of work, and were on the final stretch.  I can't wait, and am so proud of all of my sisters!!! (even if my residents do call us Mexicans) 

I also have a new quote to live life by:

  "Act Like A Woman, Dress Like A Lady, and Think Like A Boss"

I think they are solid words to live by,
Anybody with me?

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your new quote!

    Be sure to get in a little FUN during your break. You DESERVE it!! Miss you! Can't wait to see you during spring break. :)
