What better lyrics to start this blog, with Mika, in honor of a holiday I celebrate religiously with one of my great friends Brandon Ketteman on every Monday.(Mika Monday of course!!) I have been working hard on this blog post as it will take a lot out of me, hey if its a hard story then there better be a lot to it, and it better be good.
I am almost nearing my twentieth birthday, when I will be saying good bye to my teenage years and to me this means I am officially an adult. I was never one of those kids that wished they were older, like "ohh I can't wait till I am 16 so I can drive", in all honesty I hate driving, Its scary haha. I always enjoyed the age I was at and never expected anything more or less.
I remember when I was younger I was always homesick, and wanted to be home more than anything else. I never thought I would overcome that, and now my home is temporary. A place where I visit the folks and catch up with the fam. Home is like going to a friends house and sleeping over. And I think that's one of the biggest things that finally proves your entering adulthood, the place where you grew up is full of memories, but isn't your permanent home anymore.
But as I leave my teenage years behind I realized I have done a lot but I also have a lot to learn.
For Example:
- Realizing that I can't make everyone happy, and others emotions shouldn't affect my own-- I tend to be sensitive, and take things very personally, because I am a personable person. lol If that makes any sense what so ever .
- Its ok to freak out, and its ok to cry-- I have done a lot of crying since I left school in May. This summer has been an emotional roller coaster with friends and family.
- RELAX-- Thinking as great as it is, can be the death of me. When I think to much I put my mind in all crazy emotions.
- To not be so hard on myself-- Sometimes I have to remember, to "Save your strength for things that you can change, Forgive the ones you can't,You gotta let 'em go"
- MOST IMPORTANTLY: That people come and go in life, you can't make them stay, but you can remember and cherish the friendships and memories you share.-- There are gonna be those people in my life that are my best friends. But things happen and I can't keep them in my life forever. Realizing that was a big growing up moment for me this summer.
- Eat Clean and train Dirty --This summer I have taken fitness to a whole new level, and my diet the same. I have given up meat this year as a new years resolution (hey one thing on my bucket list is to complete a new years resolution, I mean how many people can say they did that), due to my lactose intolerance my protein shakes are made with almond milk. And a four mile run is becoming an "easy day". I am down 20lbs and I'm actually gonna do it this year, reach my goal wieght! I recently cut 10 min off of my 15k time for a pr of 1:32:29.
My mom recently asked me "how does it feel to be a success story?". I paused and said "what?". She replied, "how does it feel to have done everything you can possibly do and more and succeed". I sat and looked at her confused, kind of like the look I give most of my engineering test at Clarkson. haha. I never really thought about being a "success story", or that not many people my age do what I do. I just grew up thinking that challenging myself was what I was supposed to do, and if I wasn't pushing myself to my limits, I was slacking. My parents have done a great job in that department especially. Reminding me not to settle and that hard work will someday get you somewhere. I am still waiting for the "somewhere" haha, but It's nice to know your parents are proud of you.
So here I sit in my room, the walls are covered with Will Ferrell quotes, my running bibs, magazine covers, and pictures of my childhood. This room each minute is becoming less and less "my room", and more and more my "vacation home".
But nothing can stop time or the fact that growing up is hard
Here's to growing up, doing the best you can possible do, and not forgetting to be a kid sometimes!
Anybody with me?
great post Mary! I can relate to a lot of what is said here as well! It's great to see you back to your happy and optimistic self, keep on pushing Mary and just know that me and your other friends will always be there to back you up!