Thursday, April 25, 2013

If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.....

Recently at school we had an Anti-Slur Campaign where we Cured the Slur ( I came up with the slogan haha) but the campaign was powerful in the essence that its a step into changing Clarkson. JBall the professor involved in the campaign pulled me aside after to talk to me about the huge impact I  have on this campus, but what she also reminded me of was that I have one year left at Clarkson.  With this year left, I have only one more time around to make my impact on campus. But in order to make this change, I have to take a look at myself .. well at least that's what the King of Pop would say...

Four finals stand in the way between me and the end of my junior year at Clarkson. After that I go home for "summer" which will be less than two weeks with the fam.  This to me is bitter sweet; getting this internship was all I ever wanted, but being with my family for the summer is tradition. But after talking to one of my best friends wittle baby Evan, he assured me if anyone could handle the "real world" it would be me.  Sometimes you just need the push from the right person.

As for this "Man in the Mirror" more like Woman in the Mirror, sorry Michael changing the lyrics up a bit. My ultimate goal is to reshape myself, in the real world this summer. I want to come back to Clarkson my senior year feeling like I am in the best shape mentally and physically.  In order to leave the positive impact I want to leave, I have to be happy with myself.  I got a lot on my plate Senior year, 18 credits, Resident Director, Treasurer and Expansion Chair of KDX, a new event called Up Till Dawn I am the Cultivation Chair, and of course my job at financial aid.  Involvement has truly shaped me as an individual on this campus, yes some may say "you have tooo much on your plate", or "do you ever have time for yourself?"  or "do you ever sleep". The answer to all of those is yes. Yes I do have way to much on my plate, Yes I usually use the summer for time for myself, and Yes I do sleep on the weekends.

You only do college once, no one ever wishes they slept more and I wanted to live college without any regrets. My main goal was to graduate, and my other goal was to be well known at Clarkson (for the good reasons). I'm getting there!

But for now its STUDY STUDY STUDY, FINALS FINALS FINALS FINALS, and then a sweet trip home to Canjo City.

Here's to the real world, and all it has to offer,
Anybody with Me?

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