Well after all the Disney songs my partner in crime has been singing to me, I had to pick a Disney song for the title of this blog ...
Where do I begin.. I have learned so much this far on my internship not only about GMCR , not only about people, but about myself.
I guess I can first start with the book I received in the mail from my best friend Karen. This books timing was unreal. I had my first race of the summer already and yes I started out with a 10k (go big or go home, right?). But the book has really opened my eyes. First of all, it has reminded me that even though I don't play a D3 sport at Clarkson, I am still an athlete. All throughout my life I have been an athlete, and being a runner is indeed being an athlete. I have lost that part of myself and it used to be a big part of my life, it defined me. The book has inspired me to get outside everyday and get those miles in, because as soon as I stop, starting again is the hardest part. I am 90% sure I will be doing a half marathon this summer!
Second of all, the other day I was shopping and someone defined me as a size large. That really hit home. My whole life weight has been something that has defined me, it all started when I was a little girl and what my grandpa used to tell me. "So round so firm so fully packed", yes Gramps I get it thank you. At first when I hear these comments it makes me upset but then I think to myself "wait, I could probably run farther and faster than you". Why? Because with me failure has never been an option and yes I do have weight to lose, but my need to succeed and determination exceeds the rest. I have already lost weight this summer, and plan to be in great shape by the time my senior year begins.
The third thing I learned is from my dad, "you have a great sense of humor Mary, utilize it". Probably by far one of the best pieces of advice I have ever been given. This summer I have learned a lot about being patient, dealing with others and "keeping my cool". When I feel stressed out or have the need to scream, I make a joke about it, I mean someone once said "Laughter is the best medicine".
One of my favorite lines from this book I'm reading (Eat & Run by Scott Jurek) is "Sometimes you just do things!" There are many times in life when people ask you why, or they criticize your decisions. My response "Sometimes I just do things", because I believe it's the right thing to do or "I do what I want" haha!
Here's to getting the most out of everyday (whether it rains or shines)
Is Anybody with me?
this has probablly been one of your best blogs i love it!